Reunion 2025 Alumni Award Nominations

    Each year, the Macalester College Alumni Board recognizes alumni who exemplify Macalester values through their leadership, achievement, and active involvement with their local community. Throughout the years, Alumni Award winners have been lawyers, activists, and humanitarians. They have mentored underrepresented high school students in college access programs, served in the Peace Corps, and done public health work all around the world. They have worked tirelessly with the United Nations, NAACP, the League of Women Voters, local government, and faith communities around the country and the world.
    The most effective nominations are able to show the tangible impact of the nominee's work. They tell the story of how the nominee has used their Macalester experience to live their values in their work. The Alumni Board is eager to hear the stories of alumni whose service extends beyond their career and into their life and strongly encourages nominators to consider how the nominee's identities and life experiences have guided their work. 
    Nominees of all backgrounds are encouraged for most awards unless otherwise specified in the award description. Particular preference is given to nominees celebrating a milestone Reunion. Award categories include:
    • Catharine Lealtad, Class of 1915, Service to Society Award
    • Charles J. Turck Global Citizen Award
    • Distinguished Citizen Award
    • Young Alumni Award
    Learn more about the specific categories.
    Macalester Alumni Award recipients demonstrate:
    • Leadership or significant accomplishment in civic, religious, and/or professional activities
    • Commitment to living Macalester values of internationalism, multiculturalism, and service to society
    • Unselfish and effective service in their lives and work to the community, the nation and/or the world.
    The Alumni Board deliberates in the early Fall and will contact nominators and Award winners in late October/early November. We will honor our Alumni Award winners at Reunion 2025. 
    If you have questions about eligibility or process, please email or call 651-696-6295.

    Deadline for Submissions is Wednesday, September 25, 2024
    Alumni Award Nomination
    Nomination Type
    Nomination Type
    Nominee Profile
    Each nominated alum is considered for the Distinguished Citizen (select all that apply).
    More information about each award is available online.
    Each nominated alum is considered for the Distinguished Citizen (select all that apply).
    More information about each award is available online.
    Share any links that you would like to include to support this nomination.
    Your own words are the most powerful and persuasive.
    Please limit the use of links provided in support of the nomination.